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United States Coast Guard
U.S. Department of Homeland Security

DSC Testing

DSC Test Calls

DSC-equipped radios include a test call feature which will allow you to call any radio on DSC and receive an automatic acknowledgment in return.

The U.S. Coast Guard offers an automated DSC Test Call capability from each of its Rescue 21 coastal stations. To perform a DSC Test Call with the USCG, enter the coast station group identity “003669999” into the radio’s DSC memory. Once stored, a DSC test call can be made by executing the following three steps:

  1.  Select “Test Call” from the radio’s DSC menu,
  2.  Select the USCG number entered into memory, and
  3.  Transmit the call.

The radio display should indicate when that test call is acknowledged and display the acknowledging station’s nine-digit identity. That identity may be different than the group identity previously entered into memory.

This procedure is published in Marine Safety Information Bulletin 20-20

DSC Position Report Request

Radios also include a DSC position report request feature like a test call. If this radio being called has this feature enabled and has GPS, it will automatically respond to this call with its position. This feature is commonly used by installers and radio inspectors to test a radio installation.

DSC Test Calls from HF Radios

DSC-equipped HF marine radios also include a test call feature. US Coast Guard stations at Portsmouth VA/NMN, Boston MA/NMF, Miami FL/NMA, New Orleans LA/NMG, Pt. Reyes CA/NMC, Honolulu HI/NMO and Kodiak AK/NOJ will respond to DSC test calls on 4207.5 kHz if in propagation range of those stations. See NAVCEN’s HF Distress and USCG Contact Frequencies page for station MMSIs and further information.

Under no circumstances should a DSC Distress Alert be sent to test your radio.

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